Experts in large-scale solar energy for Swedish conditions

Our experts help companies, property owners, tenants and landowners in Sweden to reach their sustainability goals, increase biodiversity and earn more money from their roofs or their land. We are a supplier you can count on all the way; from planning and consultation to installation and service.


Solkompaniet was founded.


experts in solar energy.


delivered projects.

Our background

Our background

Solkompaniet was founded in 2010 by Lars Hedström and Petter Sjöström, who had worked with solar energy since 2002. Today, we have over 150 employees and build all over Sweden.

Reference projects

Solar cell installations we built

Solkompaniet has been the market leader in solar energy for businesses since 2010. Here you will find some examples of all the solar cell installations we have built over the years. 


Our sustainability work

When Petter Sjöström and Lars Hedström started working with solar energy in 2002, it was with the vision of contributing to a more sustainable world, for both current and future generations.


Long-term ownership

Our majority Owner Axel Johnson through AxSol creates stability, Apotea & Camfil provide entrepreneurial spirit. The founders are still operational in the business.


Contact us

We install large scale solar power plants in Sweden, and collaborate with companies, property owners and land owners. Let us help you through the entire process; from feasibility studies and strategies, to installation och maintenance. 

Contact us >>

Vacancies at Solkompaniet

Solkompaniet is a purpose-driven growth company that works to build a sustainable society. In order to continue to succeed in what we do, we need driven and happy employees who want to join our growth journey. With us, you get to take part in an exciting journey with colleagues who work together, care about each other and have fun at work.

See available positions here

Join the candidate bank

"Connecta" with us on our careers page, and you will be registered in our candidate bank and will thus be matched to vacancies that suit you.


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