SolkompanietPressmeddelandenPress release the nordic regions largest sunroof


Nordic Real Estate Partners NREP and their logistics branch Logicenters is once again to build the largest rooftop photovoltaic system in the Nordics. The power plant has an installed peak effect of 8,9 megawatts. It will be installed on the Swedish import and logistics company Dagab, part of Axfood, top modern and highly automated logistics facility outside of Stockholm. Solkompaniet has been selected as the contractor.

More than 16 550 bifacial modules delivered by wholesaler IBC SOLAR AB will be installed on an area of 80 000 square meters. The photovoltaic system is expected to produce approximately 7,8 gigawatt hours of renewable electricity per year and is planned to be up and running in the autumn of 2022.

- The transition to renewable energy must be hastened. Thus, I am glad to see NREP, Logicenters together with Axfood and Dagab take the lead in making solar energy a more prominent part of the Swedish energy supply. We are proud to be continuing our collaboration with mentioned partners and to be the contractor of this unique project, says Axel Alm, CEO of Solkompaniet.

Samar Nath, Head of Sales at IBC SOLAR AB, comments.

- We are honored to once again be the trusted distributor in the partnership between NREP, Logicenters and Solkompaniet. IBC SOLAR continues to deliver PV-modules and mounting systems to the biggest rooftops in Sweden, the market segment where we are firmly rooted. We set high standards and maintain continuous quality control and this is appreciated by our customers. This paves the way for secure and durable production of renewable electricity.

Preliminary data:

- 80 000 square meters, approximately 11 football fields
- More than 16 550 qualitative bifacial modules delivered by wholesaler IBC SOLAR AB
- Top effect of approximately 8,9 megawatts at full operations, which equals a yearly production of 7,8 gigawatt hours.

Contact details

Axel Alm, CEO Solkompaniet
Phone: +46 76-853 58 79

Samar Nath, Head of Sales IBC SOLAR AB
Phone: +46 70-243 67 66

About Solkompaniet

Our experts have 20 years of experience in the solar power industry and have built some of Sweden’s largest installations on roofs and solar parks. We develop projects, design and install them. Our O&M department provides stable production during the lifespan of the asset. Solkompaniet’s turnover 2021 was 450 MSEK and we grew from 100 to 180 coworkers. We always work according to the priority order; safety, quality, productivity. More about Solkompaniet on


IBC SOLAR AB, Solkompaniet’s subsidiary, is a leading distributor of energy solutions and services in the field of photovoltaics and storage. The company offers a complete product range from solar panels to mounting systems, inverters and batteries. The range includes energy solutions for private homes, commercial and industrial as well as solar parks.

IBC SOLAR AB works closely with Germany based IBC SOLAR AG that was founded in 1982 in Bad Staffelstein by Udo Möhrstedt and is now a pioneer in the energy revolution in over 30 countries. More about IBC SOLAR AB on


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