SolkompanietPressmeddelandenThomas sparrmo appointed as new of ceo solkompaniet

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Axel Alm is stepping down from his position as CEO of Solkompaniet, a role he has held since 2019. The board has announced Thomas Sparrmo as the new CEO, who most recently served as the CEO of Saltå Kvarn and has over 20 years of experience in various leadership positions within technology and growth companies.

- I am very pleased that Thomas Sparrmo has accepted the role of CEO of Solkompaniet. As the company expands its focus to markets in multiple countries, building upon its leading position in large-scale solar power in Sweden, Thomas's extensive experience in scaling and driving change within companies in various stages and markets makes him well-suited to take Solkompaniet to the next level. Thomas is also a respected leader with visionary and inclusive leadership skills, which will be central attributes in the continued development of the company, says Marie Fossum Strannegård, Chair of the Board of Solkompaniet and CEO of AxSol, the company's majority owner.

- I would also like to extend my gratitude to Axel Alm for his strong contribution as CEO. Under Axel's leadership, Solkompaniet has transitioned its business to become Sweden's leading player in large-scale solar power, actively contributing to the transition to a future fossil-free energy system. Solkompaniet has grown from a turnover of just over 100 million SEK in 2019 to an estimated turnover of nearly 1 billion SEK at the end of 2023, with approximately 250 employees today. Now is therefore the right moment in time, to make the change for our next level of development, where we see new market conditions and business opportunities in the rest of the Nordic region. Our focus is on profitable growth by seizing these opportunities with new leadership while building on the experience and capabilities that the company gained in the past, says Marie Fossum Strannegård.

- I am proud to have the opportunity to lead such a successful company as Solkompaniet and am impressed by what all the employees have accomplished so far. The Nordic region is in great need of more fossil-free electricity production, where large-scale solar power will become an increasingly important contribution. AxSol plays a significant role here by investing in companies driving this development. I look forward to contributing to continued growth in both Sweden and the rest of the Nordic region. But above all, I look forward to meeting customers and our employees, says Thomas Sparrmo, the incoming CEO of Solkompaniet.

Thomas Sparrmo will assume the role of CEO of Solkompaniet on November 1st. Axel Alm will remain with the company until the end of November to ensure a smooth transition.


Solkompaniet is one of Sweden's leading players in large-scale solar power. We develop, build and manage solar parks on land and rooftops for landowners, property owners and companies who want to increase the return on their investments and contribute to the sustainable energy transition. With over 20 years of experience and more than a thousand delivered PV projects, we are a reliable partner for our customers. The majority owner of Solkompaniet is the Axel Johnson group via AxSol, focused on investments within solar and distributed energy. Solkompaniet has 250 employees and a turnover in 2022 of 780 million SEK.

Media enquiries:
Marie Fossum Strannegård, CEO AxSol, +46 (0)73-413 32 46, marie.strannegå
Jonas Mjöbäck, Chief Marketing Officer Solkompaniet +46 (0)73-3127981,



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