Solkompaniet and Bouygues Energies & Services start cooperation in the Swedish solar PV market

Solelpark_Foto Solkompaniet

The expansion of the Swedish solar PV market is in focus when Solkompaniet and French Bouygues Energies & Services enter into a partnership. This collaboration aims to meet the market's demand for large-scale solar parks, contributing to the sustainable energy transition in Sweden.

Interest in solar parks has been strongly increasing among investors, companies, and other energy players that want to invest in cost-effective and value-added electricity production. At the same time, the electricity demand is expected to increase sharply in line with the electrification of transport and industry.

During the past ten years, the size of solar parks built in Sweden has grown from 1 MW to 20 MW (size of the largest farm in operation in Sweden today). The next step is expected to have solar parks of 100 MW and above, since more large-scale solar parks is the most efficient way to increase the share of renewable energy in Sweden’s energy mix.

Solkompaniet, one of the leaders in Swedish solar energy, is strengthening its ability to build large-scale solar parks, in addition to the development of PV Solar power projects in the 1-100 MW range. The strategic collaboration with the global EPC specialist Bouygues Energies & Services will enable competitive and best-in-class EPC services for solar developers in Sweden in that large-scale segment.

“We see great advantages in entering a partnership with Bouygues Energies & Services in order to be able to build the largest solar parks in Sweden at a high pace. They have unrivaled experience and competence in large-scale projects and power transmission,” says Marina Sundman, Business Unit Director, Solkompaniet.

“This partnership allows us to address our client’s flagship projects in the growing Swedish market with full knowledge of local conditions. We are very pleased to work with Solkompaniet, a reputable and knowledgeable partner with which we share the same values and ambitions,” says Elisabeth Benedetto, Executive Vice President of Energies BU at Bouygues Energies & Services.

A 100 MW PV project can supply more than 100 GWh to the electricity grid, which corresponds to the annual household electricity consumption of more than Swedish 30,000 villas.



Bouygues Energies & Services is a subsidiary of Equans. It is a key player in the energy and digital transitions of regions, industries and buildings. Bouygues Energies & Services employs over 21,000 people and generates sales of €3.9 billion in its countries of operation: Germany, Canada, France, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland - it also works for clients in Africa, Asia and Oceania. Our motivation: to further develop the resources that are vital to our future, namely energy, data, service activities and human capital.

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